
Which browsers support the YNOS platform?
Our website supports most popular browsers including Chrome, Firefox, IE and Safari. Ensure you are using the current version of the browser to avoid any distortion in display and smooth functioning of the website. Please turn off your proxy settings and disable the pop-up blocker for an uninterrupted session.
Where do I Sign-up for an account on the website?
Thank you for your interest in joining the YNOS platform! Visit the Sign-up page to register.
Can I update my startup details after submission?
There are limitations to modifying certain critical information on your startup once the details are submitted. So please ensure you provide accurate information while completing the My Details section. The Completeness and accuracy of your startup information would help our algorithms in providing you with a customized dashboard best suited to your requirements. However, non-critical details can be updated during the subscription renewal period.
I am totally new to this website. How does the whole process work?
YNOS Venture Engine is a technology platform that helps early stage entrepreneurs to identify potential investors, estimate valuation, understand the startup landscape, avail funding, get mentorship and become investment ready. The objective of the venture is to enhance the success of startups while creating a strong impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The various products leverage technology such as advanced data science techniques and market analytics to provide customized insights and recommendations to the entrepreneurs. Please visit our Products page for more details
Are there specific geographies that YNOS caters to?
Our technology platform and offline products have been designed to cater to specific needs of early stage entrepreneurs and startups across India.
Do you offer a trial period?
No, we do not have a trial offer for our services. Since our services are moderately priced, we strongly encourage you to enroll in our subscription. Unsubscribed registered users have only limited access to the content.
Does YNOS platform have any age restriction to create an account?
Yes, Users should be 18 years of age or above to create an account with YNOS website.
Is it necessary to have a completed business plan prior to sign-up?
No, it is not necessary to have a completed business plan to sign-up with YNOS. If you are a startup or an entrepreneur looking for help to develop your business plan, YNOS platform is your destination.
Would a one-person company be eligible to avail benefits under YNOS?
Yes, our offers are open and useful to all entrepreneurs and early-stage startups regardless of the size of the company.
How can the products of YNOS help students?
The YNOS products are open to all students. It helps them understand the startup landscape hands on using visuals. Students can avail a special discount offered on our products making it more affordable to them.
What do I do if I forgot my password?
Please go to Login page and click on Forgot password. Provide your email address to receive a link to change your password.
I have multiple startups. Do I need to create additional profiles on YNOS?
We recommend that you create additional profiles on YNOS using different email ids to access an accurate and personalized dashboard.
Do you cater only to certain sectors or areas of startups?
Our platform is sector agnostic and caters to the requirements of all startups regardless of the sector or area they belong to. Our recommendations would be more suitable for entrepreneurs who have or intend to have their startups in India. Our goal is to soon provide solutions globally.
Where can I read YNOS' blog posts?
Please click on Perspectives Menu Option to read our blog posts on Trust and Grow.
Where can I find videos and blog posts of the webinars?
Please click on the Events . menu to access details of our past and upcoming webinars. You can also find all our webinar videos posted to our YouTube channel. You can also find the blog posts of our webinars on Trust and Grow


How do I pay for the products?
Please visit the Pricing page and click on Go for it! button to purchase a subscription. Clicking and availing on any of the premium services will also take you to our Pricing page in case if you are not already a subscribed user. Please note that we offer special discounts to students for the subscription.
How does the payment process work?
Please click on the Pricing page and click on Go for it! button to purchase a yearly subscription of our products. Choose from payment options on our payment gateway to pay and use our products to your advantage.
What are the entry and exit charges?
There is no charge for signing up or exiting our website. Feel free to register and explore our products if it interests you. However a fee is charged to avail complete access to our products. Please visit the Pricing page for any further information.
Can I purchase all the products under one package?
Our online products are offered as yearly subscription based package, however our offline offerings are individually priced. Please do visit the Pricing page to select package that suits you. However, access to register and attend our Events is not restricted.
The payment link does not re-route to the payment portal. What do I do?
Please ensure that your account is verified before you subscribe to our products. If you have not received an email for account verification, you can request for another email to be sent by choosing Resend Verification Email option. Post verification, you will be able to purchase the products.


How long is the subscription valid for?
The paid subscription is valid for a period of one year. To continue full access to all the products, renewal of subscription is required.
How do I complete the subscription process?
Visit the Sign-up page to register to our YNOS platform. Upon completing the registration process, please fill the details of your startup in the My details section, available under your profile icon. To get full access to all products, Compare Plans, select the best package and Go for it!
What does YNOS expect from the registered users?
We do not 'expect' anything from the users except for complete and accurate information of their startup details. This helps us to help you better!
What is the refund policy?
YNOS has a strict no refund policy except under exceptional circumstances such as failure of payment gateway, or other force majeure events.
Do you have subscription plan for less than a year?
We currently offer only an annual subscription plan for our products.
What happens after the subscription gets over and is not renewed?
Once the subscription has expired, you will no longer be able to access our premium products. We encourage you to renew your subscription to avail frequent and relevant updates.

Products and Offerings

Is there a product guide about the features of the platform?
Yes, please go through our Products and Pricing pages for an exhaustive list of features and details of our platform.
I've subscribed but I am unable to access Angels, Verve and Insight. What do I do?
Angels, Verve and Insight will require you to complete your startup details. You can do so by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner and selecting the My Details option. Please contact us if you are still unable to access the products and we'd be very happy to help you.
How does YNOS help startups find investors?
YNOS helps find the appropriate investors using a path-breaking algorithm developed from more than 10 years of research on the Indian Venture Industry.
Does YNOS provide direct funding?
The proprietary product, Angels, uses advanced data-science, market analytics and machine learning to identify appropriate investors. YNOS also conducts flash pitch sessions in partnership with renowed funding organisations in which entrepreneurs can participate.
How do I find out how much my business is worth?
Our product, Verve, uses machine learning and analytical tools to help you quickly estimate the valuation of your venture. This product helps you become aware of the ground realities on valuations provided by investors, thereby enabling you approach the valuation negotiations with more self-assurance.
As a startup, how can I assess competition?
Studying the startup landscape from scratch to assess competition can be both time consuming and exhaustive. In our Insight product, we provide you a customized dashboard with listing of competing startups to help you better understand your competition. This can also be used to identify potential business opportunities and collaborations.
How does the Startups product work?
Startups is an intelligent technology platform to scan the startup landscape and discover startups. Using the search methods and filters that are directly relevant to different stakeholders in the startup ecosystem including investors and analysts, scanning the startup landscape has never been so simpler and exciting.
How reliable is the data based on which the recommendations are given?
YNOS partners with Venture Intelligence, the industry leading platform for most of the data requirements. This ensures that the recommendations are based on reliable data that has been verified.
What resources and assistance are provided at YNOS?
We act as a springboard for startups by offering products to ensure their success. For a better understanding of what we got to offer, please visit our Products page. Also join the YNOS startup community on Discord to you to build your network with other entrepreneurs and investors.
Which books or articles about entrepreneurship should I read?
Our thought leadership section contains a comprehensive set of reports and articles authored by members of the YNOS team, to help you better understand the startup landscape. The articles and reports can give you an in-depth understanding of your venture. We also recommend that you follow the YNOS blog Trust & Grow to hear from the experts.
What can I do to get the right venture capitalist for my venture?
With YNOS by your side you are not alone in this journey. We can help you find the right investors for your startup. On completion of the startup details, our Angels product helps shortlist and presents you with appropriate potential investors.
What kind of support can YNOS provide to help launch my venture?
The YNOS platform specializes in helping small-scale startups and entrepreneurs. We provide customized information for the venture to help navigate through the startup landscape.
Where can I find help for my startup?
Look no further! YNOS Venture Engine platform is the one stop solution for vexatious entrepreneurial problems. We can help boost your startup to success. You can message us at +91-7358431831 and we will be happy to get you started.
How can we get funding for our startup?
We can help you find the right investors for your venture through our Angels product. You can also participate in flash pitch sessions hosted by YNOS in partnership with renowed investment firms.
We have already been working on our startup for a while. Is YNOS Venture Engine appropriate for us?
Definitely, YNOS provides guidance for your in-depth understanding of the startup landscape in India. This would help in competition analysis and help you in the long run even if you already have been working on your idea. It never hurts to get more understanding of your startup landscape.
We have already raised some funding. Will we still find your products useful?
Funding is not the sole aspect that YNOS looks to help you with. You will find YNOS useful because we not only find potential investors but also help validate your business plan.
I have a great idea for a startup, but I am not tech savvy. What do I do?
You need not worry. YNOS can help put you in touch with professionals who will look over your business plan and validate the same. You can also attend our high impact programs on fund raising specific to your venture. This assistance will help you have more clarity on your idea. To know more visit our Products page.
We are looking for advice and guidance for our startup. How can you help?
We offer multiple products that could help you in this respect. We help you engage with top notch advisors and subject matter experts to strengthen your investment pitch and value proposition. Our products can help you make informed choices. To know more about what we offer, please do visit our Products page.
I am looking to start my own venture. Where do I start?
Of course, YNOS is the answer but don't take our word for it, our testimonials will speak for us! YNOS was started to specifically help small-scale startups and entrepreneurs. Our products are particularly useful for startups that are just starting out and looking to understand the startup terrain.
I need a professional to review my startup idea. Can you help?
YNOS enables you to engage with top notch advisors to make your venture investment ready, be it business & investment related aspects or from subject matter experts. Intensive discussions with the experts will help sharpen your business strategy, operations and services while also getting you a potential referral for investors.
I have an idea and I think it might result in a startup soon. What are the steps I should be taking?
We recommend that you use our products to guide you through the startup landscape. Our data is collated from more than a decade of research on the venture capital industry in India. Our services are particularly for early stage startups which require assistance.
What are your recommended steps to get funded?
We believe that a good business plan and an impressive investment pitch are necessary to find the right investors and thereby get funded. Our services are focused on providing assistance on these aspects. We have a team of professionals on board who can validate your business plans and strengthen your investment pitch and value proposition. You can also participate in flash pitch sessions hosted by YNOS in partnership with renowed investment firms.
How can I tell if my idea is good?
To the amateur eye, many ideas look tempting and even promising. This is why we have a panel of experts to validate your business plan and hold intensive discussions that enable a deep dive on critical issues.
I am looking to find help with technical aspects for my startup. Can you help?
Kindly reach out to our team to get experts to guide you on the technical aspects of your venture.
As a startup founder, what are the biggest challenges I can expect?
A startup founder faces many challenges including managing finances, understanding competition, selecting the right investors, getting the right valuation and last but not the least failure in execution. We understand the issues faced by the entrepreneur and our main focus is to tackle these entrepreneurial pain points! Our products are aimed at solving some of these issues for startups.
Why do I need a business plan?
You need a clear business plan to define your objectives and strategize to work on the goals you wish to achieve as a company. A clear business plan is also necessary while pitching to a potential investor. Investors don't play dice, and clear, concise information from your end could convince them to invest in your idea. We at YNOS know how critical pitching an idea is, which is why our products help to perfect your business plan and nail investment pitches. If you need help in crafting the perfect business plan, you can reach out to our team and find the best expert for you.
I need custom data sets. Can you help me?
YNOS has created a unique data repository on the Indian startup and venture ecosystem. This data repository forms the backbone of YNOS. We would be happy to extract from our repository relevant data for your non-commercial use such as research, analytics, and decision making. To assess whether we can meet your requirements, feel free to discuss your needs with our team.

About YNOS

What do I get out of YNOS?
YNOS helps startup founders to navigate the terrain in the early stages of their venture lifecycle. The technology platform and offline products have been designed to cater to specific needs of early stage entrepreneurs. The YNOS platform helps to understand the startup landscape, estimate the valuation, identify the apt-investors, avail funding and obtain top-notch expert consultation, all in one place. Starting with information about the competitive landscape, the various online and offline products help the startup founders to become more investment ready. Signing up as a subscriber gives you access to several exciting tools and products. Come join the YNOS community!
How frequently is your data updated?
We ensure our data is current to give you the best customized dashboard. We currently run monthly data updates on our website.
When was YNOS Venture Engine founded?
YNOS Venture Engine was founded in 2017 by Prof. Thillai Rajan and likeminded industry professionals and further incubated at the IITM Incubation Cell to cater to the needs of early stage entrepreneurs and startups.
Where is YNOS Venture Engine office located?
YNOS Venture Engine is located in E1-08, Block E, IIT Madras Research Park, Kanagam Road, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India
What are the benefits of YNOS, and how does a startup qualify for the products?
YNOS Venture Engine has many benefits for the early stage startups and entrepreneurs. Startups of any size can find our website extremely useful.
What are the advantages of YNOS?
YNOS Venture Engine is a one of a kind venture for startups. The products help small-scale startups and entrepreneurs to navigate through the startup landscape in India. This platform is a pit stop to help gear up for success.
How different is YNOS from other ventures?
The YNOS platform is different from other startups because it is a startup for startups. YNOS helps aspiring startups and entrepreneurs to help them springboard to success. We believe that you should focus on product development rather than waste valuable time trying to identify investors or understand the competitive landscape.
What are the rules of your website?
We do not have rules per se, but kindly go through our Terms and Privacy policy to know more.
Regarding taxes, costs and regulations, what should I be aware of before I join the platform?
Please go through our Terms and Privacy policy for more details.
Is the platform only to fundraise?
We help with finding the right investors, helping in understanding the startup landscape, estimating the valuation of the venture as well as enabling meetings with top-notch advisors to make your venture investment ready. We also provide funding opportunities to raise quick and hassle-free investment for your venture. This saves a lot of valuable time for the startup founders and helps them to focus on their business.


How do I partner with YNOS?
You can write to us at sales@ynos.in or message us at +91-7358431831, to take it forward.
How does YNOS work with investors?
YNOS Venture Engine platform helps find the right investors for the startups and entrepreneurs. We consistently work on getting investors on board. So please keep visiting this space to get more updates.
How do I get an institutional license?
You can contact us directly at sales@ynos.in or message us at +91-7358431831. The Institute license would enable all the students of institute to have free access to our website for a year.
How can investors register on YNOS?
Please write to sales@ynos.in to take things forward.
How do I join the YNOS platform as an expert?
Kindly reach out to our team jeeves@ynos.in or +91-7358431831 and we'll be happy to take it forward.


What documentation do you need from the startups who wish to use YNOS's services?
We do not require any documentation from you, but we do ask that you carefully fill up your startup details. This will help us to map your startup and provide you with relevant solutions and a customized dashboard.
Who will have access to my startup details?
We do not share any details about the subscribers of YNOS with anybody. Privacy is our top priority. Please take a look at our Privacy policy.


How can I submit a support issue?
You can write to sales@ynos.in or call us at +91-7358431831.
How can I get in touch with someone from the team?
You can write to sales@ynos.in or connect with us at +91-7358431831.
How do I get included on the customers section?
Once you are a subscriber of the YNOS platform, you can reach out to us via email with your details and we will be happy to add you on to our customer page. You can email the details to sales@ynos.in.